Learning Editions
Proven Paths to Success for Every Step in an Advisors Journey

Trustworthy Selling Quick Start is designed for brand new recruits to get a fast start in the business. It is a training program that aids the development of reps so that they can settle in seamlessly. It was developed to be utilized in conjunction with your organization’s existing, proprietary initial training program. TS Quick Start provides new recruits with the skills, language and confidence they need to be productive immediately and sustain that success in today’s market. TS Quick Start plan is the only sales effectiveness program built by the industry, for the industry with proven results.
How Quick Start Works
Trustworthy Selling® Quick Start overlays your onboarding process with sales effectiveness training that transfers crucial information about today’s consumer and key techniques from successful reps to launch new financial professionals into a successful career.
Core Learning provides intense infusion of proven sales practices for our market
Structured Performance Coaching holds students accountable to practice what they learned in core learning and builds the right habits
Capstone demonstrates mastery and refines skills in a group setting

Trustworthy Selling Professional is designed for experienced financial professionals to increase vertical growth productivity and re-engage those producers who have plateaued in their career. TS Pro was also developed to help organizations overcome the retention cliff that has plagued the industry and typically occurs in the 2nd to 5th year in the business. TS Pro provides experienced representatives with in-depth insight into consumer behavior, buyer and seller psychology and sales techniques utilized by the top producers in the industry.
How Professional Works
Trustworthy Selling ® Professional helps your experienced financial professionals engage with more consumers to manage their financial needs.
Core Learning provides the best practices and techniques of proven sales practices for our market
Structured Performance Coaching holds students accountable as the content is learned to fine tune what they learn as they go along
Capstone provides a group setting for students to integrate the principles and practices learned throughout the entire experience

The Trustworthy Selling Multi-line Edition was created specifically to help property and casualty agents improve their skills and ability to pivot to the life insurance and financial services conversation with prospects and customers. Multi-line agents who can do this successfully and improve their cross-line sales ratio are going to experience increased new business, higher retention, and more referrals.
How MultiLine Works
Trustworthy Selling® Multi-Line can help your agents proactivity pivot to life insurance and retirement conversations in order to serve more of their customers’ financial needs.
Core Learning provides the best practices and methods of proven sales management practices for our market
Structured Performance Coaching holds students accountable as the content is learned to fine tune what they learn as they go along
Capstone provides a group setting for students to integrate the principles and practices learned throughout the entire experience

SkillSet, powered by Trustworthy Selling, is a one-day sales effectiveness training program, covering the skills of business development strategies and collaborative discovery. It focuses on the skills of business development strategies and collaborative discovery. This offering is ideal for sales professionals with 5 years or less experience in the industry. Easy to implement, easy to execute, with virtual or in-person delivery models.
How SkillSet Works
SkillSet, powered by Trustworthy Selling, is a one-day sales effectiveness training program, covering the skills of business development strategies and collaborative discovery.
One-day interactive training experience focused on Business Development Strategies and Collaborative Discovery™
Equips advisors with language and tools to confidently generate favorable introductions to grow their business
Empowers producers with the art of questioning designed to deepen relationships and move potential clients to action