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Trustworthy Selling Testimonial Dave Porter, Managing Partner – Baystate Financial


17% Increase In Overall Production

When Mass Mutual approached me about HPN and LIMRA’s Trustworthy Selling program, I asked a group of managers to review the program and determine if it was just “one more training program.” The feedback was that the training would not disrupt our existing training but rather would enhance what we were already doing. Baystate Financial conducted its inaugural Trustworthy Selling class that ran for 13 weeks and involved 18 advisors. The productivity of the group soared in the 6 months following attendance at Trustworthy. We saw a 17% increase in overall production and across both risk management and investment products.

We found that the Trustworthy Selling program augmented and complimented much of the training we were already doing – it made LEAP discussions a better experience than it did for financial planning and consultative selling. The program’s focus on advisors understanding the psychology of buyers and the need to increase trust and decrease tension led to greater advisor competence and confidence. The personality styles profile the participants completed became the practical application of their own style – whether it was “dynamic, analytic or interpersonal” – to how they interacted and consulted with prospects. The quality of the referral/qualified introductions training in the business development module works beautifully with the One Card System or any activity management system.

The program has hours of role-play sessions, pre and post-class training and coaching for participants and managers as well as a Capstone project needed for graduation. This program is about training on the fundamentals of selling psychology and roleplay to increase advisor confidence and success in prospect and client interaction.

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